The Outer Limits of Inner Truth (http://www.outerlimitsradio.com) radio show presents a comprehensive program exploring the moral & spiritual messages in video games. The program features nine gaming experts, journalists, and spiritual teachers.
National Radio Show Reveals The Hidden Moral & Spiritual Messages In Video Games
The nationally syndicated Outer Limits of Inner Truth (www.outerlimitsradio.com) radio show presents a comprehensive program exploring the moral & spiritual messages in video games. The program features nine gaming experts, journalists, and spiritual teachers.
Some Highlights Include:
• David Jaffe reveals the original plan for God of War, Kratos’ evolution and how his fate would finally reach its end.
• Daniel Pessina discusses the deeper meaning of Mortal Kombat and his experience playing Johnny Cage.
• Walter Day’s observance that some of the world’s best players regularly practice transcendental meditation and are spiritually mindful.
• Psychic Empath Lisa Caza discusses why you may strongly resonate with certain games & characters because of the types of past lives you’ve had.
• Outer Limits of Inner Truth explores which games and characters actually pull players into higher & lower vibratory states of consciousness.
Featured guests (in order of appearance) include:
01:10 – Daniel Pessina / Played Johnny Cage, Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Reptile, and Smoke in the video games Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II)
07:00 – Dr. Rachel Kowert / Research Psychologist & Author of three books about the mental health benefits of video games
14:01 – Brendan Frye / Editor In Chief of Comics & Gaming Magazine
22:23 – David Jaffe / Video game designer best known for his contribution to the Twisted Metal and God of War franchises
46:49 – Max Parker / Video game columnist/video guy for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
1:04:02 – Walter Day / Founder of Founder of Twin Galaxies & Co-Star the 2007 film “The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters”
1:31:01- Darren Campo / Television Producer & Bestselling Author
1:44:13 – Lisa Caza / Psychic Empath
1:59:00 – Jeff Casper & Jona Bryndis / Metaphysical Teachers
Five Video Games With Moral & Spiritual Messages
Final Fantasy X
The discovery that an entire world and its characters are merely a living dream is an idea that actually correlates perfectly with the lessons from Nanci Danison’s famous Near Death Experience (www.outerlimitsradio.com.danison). Also, the main antagonist Yu Yevon is a malevolent being which manipulates people into worshiping it in order to keep them under his control. The protagonists discover this, vanquish Yu Yevon and take back their power.
God of War
Teaching that humans can conquer the gods because they themselves deep down are actually gods too. Anything is possible with strong belief and the willpower to carry it out.
Assasin’s Creed Series
Explores whether you have free will or if your life is pre-ordained based on your ancestors heritage.
Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask
Some say the theory is that Link (the main protagonist) is actually dead and is going through the five stages of grief. The different characters he meets in the game represent: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Super Mario Bros. (series)
By eating mushrooms, certain plants, and even changing your clothes, your character can overcome different enemies and obstacles that they couldn’t before. Some spiritual philosophies discuss the benefits of expanding your consciousness in order to expand your evolution. Also, many studies have shown the health & spiritual benefits of taking psychedelic mushrooms.
About The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth
If Science & Mysticism got married, the Outer Limits of Inner Truth (http://www.outerlimitsradio.com ) radio show would be their child. OLIT (Outer Limits of Inner Truth) is a program about introspection, discovery, and evolution. It premiered on February 2014 and within a few short months, was picked up for national syndication on Starcom Radio Networks and is now heard on over 35 AM stations nationwide. OLIT is the world’s only show about “Forensic Soul Analysis.” OLIT has previously profiled individuals such as Richard Belzer, Oliver Stone, Gary Johnson (former Presidential Candidate), Michael Levine, Actor Frank Vincent, George Carlin, NHL Legend Mark Messier, Jane Velez-Mitchell and more.
All interview requests can be directed Outer Limits of Inner Truth Host & Executive Producer Ryan McCormick – Ryan@outerlimitsradio.com
Contact Detail:
Company Name: Outer Limits of Inner Truth Radio Show
Contact Person: Ryan McCormick
Email: Ryan@outerlimitsradio.com
Phone No: 516-901-1103
Country: United States
Website Url: www.outerlimitsradio.com
Source: www.PRExhibition.com
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